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Saturday, March 28, 2009

60 Earth Hour ??? Bullshit


I was very, very disappointed.

Before going out for family gathering,
I turned off all the electricity in my house except for the fridge..
I kept checking my brother's watch while having dinner,
er hem.. almost 8:30pm

When it's 8:30pm,
dad was driving around Kuala Lumpur.
Earth Hour?? *sneer* I think nobody realised it because
I was still in brightness - no one turned off the light!!!!! T.T =(=C
erm.. Only some restaurants in Leisure Mall did turn off the light.
Kuala Lumpur was still so bright,
even the government didn't turn off the street lights =.="

Did you read the newspaper this morning??(I read China Press)
"KLCC disappear.." LOL
Only KLCC and KL Tower nia.. how about the other buildings??

Why?Why? it's only one hour.. only 60 minutes !!!
Does it really matter without a few lights(not all lights) for only an hour??
we can use candles right??@.@

We have only one earth.

Say something pointless la haha..
8:30pm ++ last night I received Beng Seng's sms..

" In one hour of darkness,
the best thing to do is to...

Actually it's in Chinese,
but I translated it in English to be sent to my 'banana' friends Ahahaha



2 people in one seatbelt.. New design in Toyota Unser LOL
My brother and I in one seatbelt, it shows we are not fat ^^
Yong Chien you are FIT now =)


Went to Xin Yun's house during holiday=.=


  1. soh yee ling!!!why u put tat noob pic==...hate it~

  2. HAHA! Bullshit??? haha... 1st time hear u use man... always hear ma de ma de ma de... haha.... besides, wad banana??? obviously u mean me derek kian lim... ==... swt.. ==

  3. xin yun !!! =)why so shocked?? you are cute in this picture wat.. scare wat?? dai lou nooooob only but you are not noob ma...

  4. Of coz saying you la gay gangster uncle chee ren =P ~BANANA~

  5. i not banana la.. oni derek k? i know a bit chinese... ==... damn it.. ==


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