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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Considering a POINTLESS thing...

I had my english oral test yesterday. Everyone of my friends should know, I can't speak fluent eng >.<> `O`

'' .... I'll have long hair, more or less as (someone), and maybe get it permed..."

The title was 'What will I be in 10 years time' and this was a part of it.
(the end part was not really what I wanted to say)
I made a terrible mistake during the oral test. I said the word 'maturer' instead of 'more mature'=( Sounds really weird.
Well, I've thought about it. Long hair??
It's been already 10 years that I never have long hair. Even though I reach secondary school, I'm still having short hair style =) Short hair suit me right?? But I'm feeling bored with it..
Their comments:
Derek: Short hair nice wat, just keep it la.
Sister: Up to you la.
Sis's bf: Better have short hair, you look smart with it.
Yong Chien: Never thought about it.
Wah Lung: Grow long hair la wei !!
Me?? erm..
Short hair is cool, long hair is ladyish.
Short hair is easy to take care, long hair is troublesome to me. So??
ATTENTION: Everyone please hold a plastic bag in your hand, worry you guys will vomit with this picture..

Very poor edit, don't mind just take it as a guide
Guys, still okay?? HAHA =X I have no idea. If I grow long hair... Look horrible!!! Isn't it?

Do leave some comments to me HAHA=D


  1. HAHA =D feel disgusting with this pic right? Muahaha thx for your comment anyway..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ya,Winnie was right,short hair nicer....


`12 years old in 2007`


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`14 years old in 2009`


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She's an unpredictable optimist. What she needs to improve now is to be more courageous and confident. Her dream is to be a backpacker and travels around this awesome world. Here is the place where she blogs about her life,point of view and thought. She loves her life and the world.Cheers for life!

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